Cucumber & Android

A while ago, the agile/scrum team I was part of was looking for a way to record functional requirements for the app we were working on. After looking around for a bit, we came across Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) and Cucumber.

Although documentation and automated tests are produced by a BDD team, you can think of them as nice side-effects. The real goal is valuable, working software, and the fastest way to get there is through conversations between the people who are involved in imagining and delivering that software. on BDD

Since we wanted to test the Android and iOS using the same Gherkin scenarios, we set up Cucumber together with Appium. Personally I find working with Appium too cumbersome. In a private project I’ve therefore set up Cucumber with Android and left Appium out of the equation.

In this article I’ll explain how to set up Cucumber for Android.

Set up cucumber-android

Add the “cucumber-android” library to your project:

androidTestImplementation "io.cucumber:cucumber-android:$cucumberVersion"

Custom TestRunner

To configure Cucumber we’ll create a custom “TestRunner‘:

private const val PLUGIN_KEY = "plugin"
private const val REPORTS_DIR = "reports/cucumber"

private const val REPORTER_PLUGIN_PATTERN =
    "junit:%s/cucumber-junit.xml--" +
    "html:%s/cucumber-html--" +

 * The CucumberOptions annotation is mandatory for exactly one of the classes in the test project.
 * Creating a custom test Runner seems the simplest way to achieve that.
    features = ["cucumber/features"],
    glue = [""]
class CucumberRunner : CucumberAndroidJUnitRunner() {

    override fun onCreate(bundle: Bundle?) {
        bundle?.putString(PLUGIN_KEY, getPluginConfiguration())

    private fun getPluginConfiguration(): String {
        val path = getReportsPath()
        return REPORTER_PLUGIN_PATTERN.format(path, path, path)

    private fun getReportsPath(): String =
        File(targetContext.getExternalFilesDir(null), REPORTS_DIR).absolutePath


To make reporting work, we need to give our app permission to write to the external storage. Since Cucumber will run under the “androidTest” flavor, you can add the extra permissions in “src/androidTest/AndroidManifest.xml” to avoid polluting your production app with unnecessary permissions.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

Now Cucumber can save test reports on the external storage.

Writing Gherkin

The next step is to write some scenarios so there is something for Cucumber to test.
The website comes with plenty of examples, so I’ll leave this as an exercise for the reader.

Note: The “cucumber-android” plugin expects all feature files to be created under “app/src/androidTest/assets“. You can tweak the base path by changing the “features” property of the “CucumberOptions” annotation in the custom “TestRunner” we created earlier.

Running tests

Now that everything is set up and we have a first test, we can run it. Because of the custom test runner, I had to create a Gradle task that will run instrumentation tests with it.

task runCucumberInstrumentationTests(type: Exec) {
     description 'Runs instrumentation tests with Cucumber'
     group 'verification'
     dependsOn 'installDebug', 'installDebugAndroidTest'
     commandLine 'adb', 'shell', 'am', 'instrument', '-w', ''

When you run this new task, no tests pass, but the Cucumber reports are generated anyway. To make the tests pass,we have to create some “glue”.

Writing the glue

In the custom “TestRunner” we’ve also defined where the “cucumber-android” library can find the “glue” to match scenarios with step definitions.

The easiest way to write your step definitions is to annotate the appropriate methods in your Espresso tests with Cucumber annotations, e.g.

@When("the Maker starts a game")
fun startGame() {

Pulling Cucumber reports

Now that you have written some tests, can run them and they pass, you want to be able to have a look at the Cucumber report(s) as well. Pulling the reports is fairly simple, all we need to do is add a Gradle task that uses “adb pull” to do this for us.

task pullCucumberReports(type: Exec) {
    description 'Pulls the Cucumber reports from the emulator.'
    group 'verification'
    dependsOn 'runCucumberInstrumentationTests'

    workingDir buildDir
    commandLine 'mkdir', '-p', 'reports'
    commandLine 'adb', 'pull', '/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/', 'reports'

The reports path is set in the “REPORTS_DIR” constant in the custom “TestRunner” from earlier. Make sure that the paths in the test runner and the Gradle task match.

Cleaning up

So far we are able to run Cucumber tests and pull the reports from the device. What is missing is a way to clean up after testing has finished. Again we’ll add a new Gradle task to do this for us.

task uninstallCucumberTest() {
    description 'Uninstalls the debug and debugAndroidTest apps.'
    group 'install'
    dependsOn 'uninstallDebug', 'uninstallDebugAndroidTest'

Tying it all together

Because we are good developers and we are lazy, we don’t want to execute three different Gradle tasks to run tests, pull reports and clean up. Let’s introduce one last Gradle task to make our lives even easier.

task cucumberCheck() {
    description 'Installs regular and instrumentation apps, runs Cucumber tests, pulls reports ' +
            'and then uninstall both apps.'
    group 'verification'
    dependsOn 'pullCucumberReports'

cucumberCheck.finalizedBy uninstallCucumberTest

I hope this helps you to get you started on using BDD for your Android project with Cucumber.

Bonus: IntelliJ / Android Studio plugins

To make working with Cucumber and Gherkin easier, you can install the following plugins for IntelliJ or Android Studio:

  • “Gherkin” which provides support for the Gherkin language.
  • “Cucumber for Kotlin” which enables Cucumber support with step definitions in Kotlin.
  • “Cucumber for Java” which enables Cucumber support with step definitions in Java.

Further reading

If you want to learn more about Cucumber, I can highly recommend reading “The Cucumber Book” by Matt Wynne and Aslak Hellesøy, with Steve Tooke.

For an introduction into BDD and Gherkin, the website offers a lot of documentation:


Software versions used at the time of writing:

  • Gradle: 5.2.1
  • cucumber-android version: 4.2.5