Google I/O 2021 Developer Keynote

Google I/O 2021 Developer Keynote


  1. Android 12
    1. User safety features:
    2. Stand-by bucket
    3. UX improvements
  2. Build beautiful apps, easier
    1. AS + Kotlin + JetPack + JetPack Compose
    2. Android Gradle plugin 7.0
    3. Jetpack
      1. Macrobenchmark (alpha)
      2. DataStore (beta)
      3. etc…
    4. Jetpack Compose
      1. Still Beta, already used in prod apps by loads of big tech comps
      2. 1.0 coming in July
  3. Building across screens
    1. New components to handle screen resizing
    2. Easier Google Assistant (voice) API via app capabilities
    3. More JetPack APIs for small (wearable) screens.
  4. AS Arctic Fox


  1. Power
    1. WeRTC improvements
    2. Maps WebGL integration
    3. More hardware access
  2. Performance
    1. Chrome improvements
    2. Core Web Vitals (report), integrated in various tools (
      1. Will be included in search results
  3. Privacy
    1. Privacy Sandbox, no more x-site tracking


  1. Flutter 2.2 release
    1. Improved desktop support
    2. null safety by default
    3. Upgraded dev tools
    4. other Google SDK updates for Flutter
    5. Material You support
  2. for demo project


  1. Accelerate app development
    1. New Firebase Extensions
      1. Stripe
      2. MailChimp
      3. Etc…
  2. High-quality experiences
    1. FB performance monitoring updates:
      1. real-time metrics
      2. redesigned dashboard
      3. Trace table
  3. Engagement
    1. FB Remote Config updates
      1. Personalization feature (alpha)

Machine learning

  1. TensorFlow Hub contains loads of ML models.
  3. Mobile
    1. TensorFlow Lite
      1. Model Maker
  4. Web
    1. TensorFlow.js (Lite)
      1. for Microcontrollers
    2. CoLab
  5. Cloud
    1. Vertex AI (managed ML platform)
      1. AutoML
      2. Vertex Pipelines

Droidcon Online 2020

Almost all Droidcon events have been cancelled for 2020 due to COVID-19 and the measures the various countries have taken to battle the outbreak. To be able to continue learning in the Android field, the organizers of Droidcon have set up Droidcon Online.

Through droidcon Online, a new virtual community event series, we intend to keep on doing what we do best, which is creating a safe and fun space for the community to interact and exchange ideas and information.

There are four topics and each will be covered extensively in a series of online talks (roughly) every other week.

  • Jetpack series
  • Multi-platform series
  • Advanced Kotlin series
  • Hands-on & in-depth series

Videos of the talks will be published after they have been presented. Below is a link to each VOD.

Jetpack Series – Part 1 of 3

April 23

Advanced Kotlin Series – Part 1 of 3

April 30

Multi Platform Series – Part 1 of 3

May 14

Advanced Kotlin Series – Part 2 of 3

May 28

Jetpack Series – Part 2 of 3

June 11

Hands-On & In-Depth Series – Part 1 of 4

June 18

Hands-On & In-Depth Series – Part 2 of 4

June 25

Multiplatform Series – Part 2 of 2

July 16

Hand-on/In-depth Series – Part 3 of 6

July 30

Jetpack Series – Part 3 of 3

August 13

Advanced Kotlin Series – Part 3 of 3

August 27