I started having a look at using HaXe a couple a days ago since it promises to be quite interesting.
It’s quite simple to install and if you use FlashDevelop as editor you’re pretty much set. I also took a look at some plugins for Eclipse, but they felt quite unfinished (granted most were still in beta). I tried Eclihx and HXDT.
Some useful info I found:
- HaXe install dir: C:\Program Files\Motion-Twin\haxe\
- Setting SWF properties using the HaXe compiler: -swf-header <header> : define SWF header (width:height:fps:color), i.e. “-swf-header 640:480:31:000000”
- When your Main class is extending Sprite make sure to add it to the display list using: “Lib.current.stage.addChild(this);”
- A nice tutorial on using SWCs with HaXe