9:50: Voyage to planet X – The lesser-known libraries of kotlinx
Severn Everett (Backend Developer)
Some interesting libraries that I wasn’t familiar with yet:
Already known libs:
10:55 SOLID principles in 5 nightmares
Simon Painter (Senior Developer)
Fun talk about the SOLID principles, with the help of some slightly imaginative examples taken from a popular SF franchise. Simon explained what are they, what nightmare scenarios can occur if they aren’t followed, and how they can subsequently be applied.
You can find this talk on the Developer Days Youtube channel as well.
11:50 Using Compose runtime to create a client library
Fatih Giri? (Android Lead)
How to (ab)use (Android Jetpack) Compose to generate PowerPoint slides. In the mean time he explained how Compose works.
The ComposePPT project is also available on Github.
A video of his talk (at another conference) is available on the Droidcon website.
13:15 Observation-based product development using Flutter
Mangirdas Kazlauskas (GDE for Flutter & Dart)
How to use app monitoring, product metrics and UX feedback to improve your app.
Check out the full presentation on the Droidcon website.
14:10: Common mistakes in UI testing
Alex Zhukovich (Senior Android developer)
Some tips on how to write and maintain UI tests, without getting too frustrated.
15:15 Imperative, declarative, object oriented, functional: four of a Kotlin kind
Maia Grotepass (Android principal)
A comparative view of four interrelated programming paradigms: imperative, declarative, object oriented and functional – from a Kotlin perspective.
We use all four kinds while working on an Android app.
The complete presentation is available on the I Code Java SA Youtube channel.
16:10 Decision-making for developers
Rick Kuipers (CTO)
Tips to help developers to make decisions.
- 7 steps to effective decision making
- Pre-mortem
- Decision making framework
- Architecture Decision Record (ADR)
There’s a recap available at the DIJ.digital Youtube channel.
16:45 Keynote/Being human in times of exponential technology
Rens van der Vorst (Technophilosopher)
Funny and inspirational talk about the downside(s) of technology.
I hope to see all videos from the talks on the AppDevCon website soon.