Installing Adobe Alchemy on Windows7 wasn’t as straightforward as the Adobe Labs site made me believe.
The following error would keep on showing when I tried to run the example:
$ gcc stringecho.c -O3 -Wall -swc -o stringecho.swc
llvm-gcc.exe: error while loading shared libraries: ? …
I finally got it to work by using the steps below:
- Install the Alchemy Repack, from in a temporary directory (I just want to copy some of the files).
- Download and install Alchemy from the Adobe website, as per their instructions.
- Copy the “achacks”, “avm2-libc”, “bin” and “flashlibs” folders from your “Alchemy Repack” installation folder.
- Uninstall / Delete Alchemy Repack
- Good to go! 🙂
- (Optional:) Set the “CYGWIN=nodosfilewarning” environment variable option to avoid Cygwin warnings about MS-Dos style paths. (Unfortunately, this doesn’t work for me, even though “echo ${CYGWIN}” prints “nodosfilewarning”.)
Note: If you already have Cygwin installed, you can install additional packages by running setup.exe again.